Monday, September 18, 2006

Teaching Knitting

I'm supposed to teach knitting on Mondays fron 1-3 p.m. I didn't last week because I had been called for Jury Dury (Uhg!). I ended not having to go to jury duty, but needed to run errands so didn't teach. One needs to grocery shop at some point? Right! Well this week I had a lovely migriane last night into today. I get enough mirianes to know that I better not go teach today. I'd be rather unpleasant to be around and pretty much wouldn't be able to teach to save my life. Well, the person leading the group called and was mad because I wouldn't be there today. SHe also tried to lay a guilt trip on me. What can I do? Go, rip everyone's head off, and not be able to teach that well. Or stay home, and hope that the migraine goes away (has partially). I'm tempted to just quit teaching. I'm getting more grief and stress than anything else.

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