Friday, October 13, 2006

Playing Catch-Up Posts

Looking back I have realized that I have left a bit out of some posts.

1.) Last month I went for a search of yarn made in Ireland. Preferably wool. Just so you know I was brought up to be proud of my Irish heritage and I sill am. When I went to Ireland 9 years ago I was more at home there than I had ever been until then in the states. In face I didn't want to come back home, but I did. I'm still looking forward to the day that I return to Ireland. Well during that search I found a store in Maine called The Irish Ewe. On that site I found some Irish Aran yarn. It's even form the county my great grandmother came from and the county I visited. It's 100% wool. Well, this month I ordered a hank of it. I just had to have it. Plus I wasn't going tohave any normal dreams until I had it as the yarn was invading my deams.

2.) I've started the Irish Hiking Scarf and joined the kal for the scarf. I'm using the previously mentioned yarn for this scarf. It only seems appropriate. THis is the first time I'll be doing cables. Now that I have lace down (I think) it;s time for me to get cables down.

3.) I've decided to do the Red Scarf Project.

4.) Maybe I've mentioned this, but I have quit teaching knitting on mondays. It was getting to be too much on my schedule. I also counldn't handle the people. They just wouldn't pay attention or listen to me.

1 comment:

Jody said...

oooohh I'm so jealous of your Irish yarn! When I was in Scotland - I was surprised at how difficult it was to find yarn actually made in Scotland. Im glad to hear you had more luck finding Irish yarn. With all the sheep over there - you'd think they would have roadside stands selling the stuff!!