Friday, July 20, 2007

Ravelry and project update

I'm so addicted to Ravelry it's not even funny. Ok . . . actually, yes it is. It's become my homepage and I'm photographing my knitting so much more. Nevermind all the things I've got in my queue.

As for my projects: Aran sweater: hibernating.
Afghan: Gatting added to daily
Mom's Socks: Slowly getting worked on *New Project*
Cat's Paw Lace Scarf: 3 repeats in

P.S. I'm KnittingCliona over on Ravelry


Jane said...

I am #17971 on the list.
11605 people are ahead of me in line.
1302 people are behind me in line.

See you over there in about a year!

Knitting Maude said...

Ahh, it won't take that long :P You'll hav fun once you do get thre though.

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, another Rav addict!! Off to add you to my friends list so I can blog stalk you there too :)

Dagny from The Irish Ewe

Knitting Maude said...

he he he...don't you love it there.

Anonymous said...

I am #9560 on the list.
1822 ahead, 13,185 behind.
Slowly, slowly, I get there!

Knitting Maude said...

I'll be looking.