Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas Update
Monday, December 10, 2007
Will It Get Done?
Will I get it done?? I'm starting to wonder big time. Two scarves are done. Two are under way. One on US 17s and one on US 10 1/2s . I sure hope I can get done. THe worst part is that during the trainings and meetings I CAN'T KNIT! I have to take notes. Gahhh. It's torture for this knitter in December to not let them knit while having them just sit. Ok, well pretty much any time, but especially in December. We'll see what happens in 15 days.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
And At Long Last....
I would have posted sooner, but my laptop has been kidnapped by my roommate to be. I installed a MahJong game on it and she's become addicted. Actually It's rather funny. I just have to get the computer away from her long enough to get here and post. I'm at the library now where there is no MahJong so I'm safe :P Well, gotta run. Almost out of time. I'll update you guys more later along with pics.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
It's Done!!!!
Please pardon the caps above. I'm just excoted. It's my largest project to date size, yarn and time wise. I promise to post pics once I get the cable to upload them to my comp. It's really nice though.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Knitting Away
The other scarves are getting along well.
I've gained a reputation at the local library also. When books come in from other libraries, the librarians automatically know that the books are for me. What, are there no other knitters in this town? If there are, where are they, and why don they use the library? Come to SnB too?
Sunday, October 07, 2007
From Dishcloths to Scarves
On The Needles:
Crazy Afghan
My So Called Scarf x2
Gypsy Rose Scarf
Cat's Paw Lace Scarf
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Another Random Knitting Questionairre
1. Are you a yarn snob? Do you avoid Red Heart, Lion Brand, etc... or is it all the same to you? It's all the same to me as long as it's not eyelash
2. Do you spin? Crochet? Spin, yes...Crochet, no
3. How long have you been knitting? 2 years this month
4. What other crafts do you like to do? Spinning with a dropspindle, Draw, Paint, Bead, Make Staiend Glass, Fused Glass Jewelery (I even get to use Dichroic Glass), Paint pottery,
5. What are your favorite yarns to knit with? I love Cottons, Wools, other natural fibers, and LionBrand's Homespun,
6. What are your favorite needles to knit with? My KnitPicks Options Needles
7. What's your favorite knitting gadget? Hmmm....It's actually a book. "The Knitting Answer Book. Of Course Ravelry also.
8. What fibers do you absolutely NOT like? I'm not really too picky. I just don't like novelty yarns too much. I am probibited from working with yarns that have elastic in them due to a life threatening Latex Allergy. The same stands for Banana Silk/Fiber Yarn, but due to Tropical Fruits.
9. What are your favorite items to knit? I've been on a Dishcloth and Tribble spree of late.
10. What are you knitting right now? I'm working on an afghan, 2 scarves, 1 dishcloth, 1 shawl, and 1 sweater (actuallty it's kind of hibernating)
11. What do you think about ponchos? I've never knit one so I'm undecided. I used to hate them till I saw all the really good patterns. I knew a person that used to make these really ugly ones. That's before I saw all the really nice patterns.
12. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? It depends on where and what I'm working on
13. Are you a sock knitter? Toe-up, two at a time on Two circs usually. I learned via Queen Kahuna's Crazy Toes and Heels Book
14. How did you learn to knit? My Aunt (Stepmom's sister) taught me to cast-on and knit. My step-mom taught me tu purl. Everything else has been self taught.
15. What is -and how old is- your oldest UFO (unfinished Object)? An Irish Aran Sweater I started in January. I'm only 1/2 way up the back.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Christmas Knitting
Mom (Debbie Bio-Mom) Nubbins Dishcloth & tribble
Paulie (Mom's SO) Hat and fingerless mittens
Nanny - Feather & Fan Dishcloth & Tribble
Pop-Pop Gifted Mittens and Hat
Aunt Donna Bamboo Dishloth & Tribble
Ashley (Cousin) Purl Scarf
Lesley (Cousin) 2 toned ruched scarf
Dave (Aunt's SO)
Robbyn (Friend) Afghan (formerly dad's) 4 corners dishcloth & tribble in case dad and i are talking again back up gift would be........... so dad could get afghan.
Laura Behan Hobnail Dishcloth & Tribble
In limbo
Diane (Friend) do have dishcloth could give to
No longer speaking with. may make something small and quick if have time just in case
Mom (Nancy Step-mom) - Socks have been started
Dad - THat afghan was for going to Robbyn
Kelley (Step-Sister)
Aunt Shelley
Uncle Herbie
Aunt Beau
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Updated from 5/13
Garter stitch
Knitting with metal wire
Stockinette stitch
Socks: top-down
Socks: toe-up
Knitting with camel yarn
Mittens: Cuff-up
Mittens: Tip-down
Knitting with silk - silk blend
Moebius band knitting
Participating in a KAL
Drop stitch patterns
Slip stitch patterns
Knitting with banana fiber yarn ------------Will never happen due to allergy
Domino knitting (=modular knitting)
Twisted stitch patterns
Knitting with bamboo yarn
Two end knitting
Charity knitting
Knitting with soy yarn
CardiganToy/doll clothing
Knitting with circular needles
Baby items
Knitting with your own handspun yarn
Continental knitting
Designing knitted garments
Cable stitch patterns (incl. Aran)
Lace patterns
Knitting on a loom
Thrummed knitting
Knitting a gift
Knitting for pets
Knitting with dog/cat hair
Hair accessories
Knitting in public
Publishing a knitting book
Teaching a child to knit
Knitting to make money
Button holes
Knitting with alpaca
Fair Isle knitting
Norwegian knitting
Dying with plant colours
Knitting items for a wedding
Olympic knitting
Knitting with dpns
Holiday related knitting
Teaching a male how to knit
Knitting for a living
Knitting with cotton
Knitting smocking
Dying yarn
Knitting art
Knitting with wool
Textured knitting
Kitchener BO
Knitting with beads
Long Tail CO
Knitting and purling backwards
Machine knitting
Stuffed toys
Baby items
Knitting with cashmere
Knitting with synthetic yarn
Writing a pattern
Knitting with linen
Knitting for preemies
Tubular CO
Freeform knitting
Short rows
Cuffs/fingerless mits/armwarmers
Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn
Knitting with someone else’s handspun yarn
Knitting two socks on two circulars simultaneously
Knitting with self patterning/self striping/variegating yarn
Knitting a pattern from an online knitting magazine
American/English knitting (as opposed to continental)
Graffiti knitting (knitting items on, or to be left on the street)
Household items (dishcloths, washcloths, tea cosies…)
Knitting socks (or other small tubular items)on two circulars
Knitting Meme
I love working with Lion Brand HomeSpun. I can't choose just one yarn. I love Noro, Irish Aran, Lopi, and Regia
Your favorite needles?
KnitPicks Options needles. I got the kit for Christmas Last year and I use them whenever I can. I do have to add to the kit when I have more money though.
The worst thing you've ever knit?
I was trying to make the Spiderweb Capelet in one of the Stitch N Bitch books. I misunderstood one of the instructions. The capelet came out huge. I had to fold it in half and then it still wrapped arund me fully (yes I swatched).
Your most favorite knit pattern?
I'd have to say Branching Out from Knitty. I may have knit it only 2 timed, but it was so much fun both times.
Most valuable knitting technique?
Knitting 2 socks on 2 circulars.
Best knit book or magazine?
Queen Kahuna's Crazy Toes and Heels. It's a self published book. Without it, I would have never figured out socks.
Your favourite knit-a-long?
I'd have to say the Stashalong. So many cool projects come out of it. You never know what someone is going to make.
Your favourite knitblogs?
I visit several blogs. The Yarn Harlot and my friends blogs are just 2 of many.
Your favourite knitwear designer?
Oddly enough, I dont pay tons of attention to designers. I'm bad with names so i't probably why.
The knit item you wear the most? (how about a picture of it!)
My first pair of socks that I made.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I've casted on more new projects. Must get some done. One good thing that came out of no phone.....knitting stuff is now organized!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
On the bright side I'm getting more knitting done to relieve my stress.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Back and Forth I Go
I've been on a dishcloth spree. Off the top of my head I can remember making 5 and 2 more in progress. I'm planning on making a bunch more for Christmas gifts. They'll also have Tribbles with them too.
I'm working on the afghan. Dad has decided he doesn't want it 8' long anymore. It's long enough where it is he said! YAY! thing is now i have to even the working edge off and fill in a few holes. THat's ok. I can deal with that. It also frees me up to start on other Christmas gifts. Eventually I'll get back to my sweater. Pics coming by the end of the week of afghan and dishcloths.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Thank You So Much
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
National Self Injury Awareness Day
I used to Self Injure and have recovered. It's not easy. Approximately 2 million people in the United States self injure annually. It recognizes no barrier. In other words, it's not limited to any one group of people. Globally those that know about Self Injury Awareness Day recognize it on March 1. The thing is no national governments recognize it officially. As far as I know only the states of New Mexico and Connecticut recognize it.
Public awareness is one way to shed light on this growing problem. In an effort to reduce the stigma and help reduce some of the myths. It can also help those who self injure along with their family and friends get and/or find treatment. Such treatments can be: individual and/or group therapy, medications, or support groups, just to name a few. That is what we want in getting National recognition with this day. If you want to help would you please sign the petition here. Thank You so much. Like I said it means a lot to me. My friends and I are the ones behind this petition.
If you have questions you can comment here or email me at: CTSelfInjuryAwarenessProject at gmail dot com
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tibbles & Dishcloths
While I was making them I realized that they would be really handy down at my landlady's store. She's the one with the paint your own pottery and stained glass studio. In order to keep the pottery molds from pitting and/or getting a fuzz on them between pourings if they aren't going to be used right away, the excess clay has to be cleaned off the mold. I realized that the Tribbles would be good for just this purpose. They'd also be good for getting glaze off the wall (don't ask). I gave her one today and I'm going to have a couple more on back up.
The afghan is 4' from being done. Everything else has gone into a temporary hibernation. I just need a little break from them.
Monday, August 13, 2007
He he he
Monday, August 06, 2007
Bat season continues
Saturday, August 04, 2007
The aran sweater is still hibernating. I really want to work on it, yet the heat has not broken. I can tell this is going to be a winter only project
Dad's afghan is 7 feet by 4 feet as of right now. Where is t goin tobe when it's done? 6 feet by 8 feet. So it's a foot soo wide right now and 4 feet too short. My Dad did say approximatley when I finally pinned him down on a size. So I'd say I'm doing pretty good on it.
Garterlac Dishcloth, I just started today and considering I've never done entrelac before, I'm doing quite well.
Cat's Paw Lace, I'm 8 or so repeats in. Abot 1/2 way.
Mom's Socks. Don't ask.
FInally Learned Entrelac!!!!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Ravelry and project update
As for my projects: Aran sweater: hibernating.
Afghan: Gatting added to daily
Mom's Socks: Slowly getting worked on *New Project*
Cat's Paw Lace Scarf: 3 repeats in
P.S. I'm KnittingCliona over on Ravelry
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Afghan..... camping out on living room floor and still getting added to. I'v gotten to the point that I've tired of taking it up all the time so it's staying there on the floor until I have to take it up.
Sweater.... no motivation to work on it. It's too danged hot.
Mom's socks...Missing in action
Also I've gotten on to Ravelry! Yay! I'm so excited. I've been living there practically it seems. Over there I'm KnittingCliona.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Afghan, Socks, Sweater, and whatnot
Mom's socks....a new project as of tonight....are going to be her christmas present.
The sweater is on halt as I'm not working on a sweater when it's 90 + degrees out.
MY ITE 4 project is going along smoothly (knock on wood) too.
That's it for knitting projects right now. My sanitys is on a fine line this week with so much going on. That's why I am wondering why the crazy idea to knit an orange scarf of unknown length (but extremely long) has hit and stuck. It's purpose would be to attract people to an informational fair next March (that's how long it would be). See what I mean by my sanity is on a fine line this week.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
My SP Is The Best
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wool Crisis
What did Cliona Do? Wel, because she didn't like the cat litter I bought her, she peed on it. Grrrrrr. BAD KITTY! It took me 2 hours to get it rinsed, thoroughly wet (hence the weighing it down as indicated above), soaked in vinegar (bye bye cat pee smell), free of the vinegar, washed by hand, rinsed, squeezed, toweled, and blocked. Needless to say Cliona heard about it for quite a while.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Pals are Happy
Sunday, June 10, 2007
International Tote Exchange Update.
Socks Are Done!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Weekly Stashalong Update
Red = Done (8 projects).
1.) Irish Aran Sweater (using Patons Classic Merino) -- Yet again stalled.
2.) My First Pair of Socks (Regia 6 ply Crazy Color ) -- Almost done, on to the cuffs.
3.) A scarf and hat set for a raffle on March 1 -- DONE
4.) A scarf for same raffle on March 1 -- DONE.
5.) A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be -- DONE
6.) Shawl for my Mom -- DONE
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn will be a mix) -- Working on. The knitting version of a crazy quilt. I've determined the width.
8.) Irish Hiking Scarf -- DONE
9.) Gifted Mittens -- DONE
10.) ISE 4 scarf (Lopi) -- DONE and sent off
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I turned my first heel ever!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Virtual Vacation Questionairre Answers
2. If you could visit any country in the world, other than your own, which would it be and why? I went to Ireland in 1997 and have been dying to go back. I dodn't get to see much of the country as we (dad and I) stayed on Valentia Island mostly. I'd also like to go to Poland, Brazin and Lithuania as we have had some students here for a ew months at a time and I'd like to go see their countries.
3. Have you ever driven across several states/providence/countries? Only as a passenger. I've been from Connecticut as far north as New Hampshire, and South as Florida.
4. Have you ever visited someplace you consider exotic? Where was it? Nope
5. What was your favorite "travel" vacation? Why? For travel I'd have to day the year my dad and I went to Virginia, Deleware, and Pennsylvania. We visited several places in each state over a 2 week period.
6. Have you ever played tourist in your own home city/state (if international, country)? Explain. Once when I was younger. I went to a few lesser known places in the state. It was pretty fun.
7. Are you a museum visitor, beach comer or an amusement seeker? I'm all 3. I love to go to Museums and art galleries. I'll spend all day at am amusement park, and a nice day at the beach with friends is always fun.
8. What's your favorite type of yarn? A lot of Natural Fibers and Sock Yarns
9. What's your least favorite type of yarn? Eyelash and Chenille
10. What items do you like to knit/crochet? Socks, Scarves, Hats, Sweater, Afghan
11. What do you pack, knit/crochet wise when you go on vacation? I haven't gone away on vacation since I started to knit. Only to my parents overnight. For going there I's whatever I'm working on.
12. What other crafts do you do/would like to do other than Knit/Crochet? I also spin with a DropSpindle, bead, make stained glass, make fused glass jewlery (even using dichroic glass), paint pottery, draw.
13. Are you allergic to anything? (Yarn wise or treat wise) I am deathly allergic to tropical fruits. Here is a list of some of the fruits to avoid. Due to this allergy NO Banana silk (fiber) yarn or yarn with elastic in it please. I don't relish the idea of using an epi-pen and going to the emergency room.
14. What is your favorite color? Least Favorite? I love purples and the colors of a sunrise/sunset. Actually I like most colors, bright and bold or pasteland muted. I cannot stand neon colors though.
15. Sweet or Savory (Treat not personality)? Sweet. Chocoholic here
16. Anything else we are forgetting to ask that you think your partner desperately needs to know? Other than the allergy, nothing that I can think of right now. Oh I do have a cat in case anyone is allergic to cats.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Let's are things going!
Afghan....plugging away on it. It's my mindless project. Definitley being a glutton for punishment with all the blocks to sew on. By the way it's 6 1/2 feet wide and it will be 8 feet long.
Sweater...we won't go there.
International Tote Exchange ... yarn and pattern picked, will be casting on this week.
International Scarf Exchange... will be going in the mail by friday.
SP 10... final package will be getting mailed by friday also.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tropical Fruit List
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Various Pics Starting w/ SP10
Monday, May 21, 2007
1.) Irish Aran Sweater (using Patons Classic Merino) -- Trying to do a minimum of 2 rows a night.
2.) My First Pair of Socks (Regia 6 ply Crazy Color ) -- Halfway through gussets.
3.) A scarf and hat set for a raffle on March 1 -- DONE
4.) A scarf for same raffle on March 1 -- DONE.
5.) A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be -- DONE
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn will be a mix) -- Working on. The knitting version of a crazy quilt. I've determined the width. I'd say About 15% done.
9.) Gifted Mittens -- DONE
10.) ISE 4 scarf (Lopi) -- DONE
My SP Pal Rocks
She sent me: a skein of Plymouth Yarn Sockotta, Plymouth Yarn's Sockotta Ribbed Socks and Fingerless Mitts pattern, Earth Therapeutics Tea Tree Oil Foot Repair Balm, Nail Poilsh, Toe Separators, Bamboo US2 DPNs, a set of sock shaped point protectors, beaded stitch markers, a paddle shaped callous thingie (the word escapes me right now like a file) with a brush on the other end.
Thank you so much. I've aready broken the lotion, nail polish, file, and toe separators in. Great timing with the arrival of those as I have a bg dinner to attend Wednesday and I'm wearing sandals.
Photos will follow once my comp stops being a pain in the butt.
Monday, May 14, 2007
1.) Irish Aran Sweater (using Patons Classic Merino) -- Trying to do a minimum of 2 rows a night.
2.) My First Pair of Socks (Regia 6 ply Crazy Color ) -- Started to gussets.
4.) A scarf for same raffle on March 1 -- DONE.
5.) A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be -- DONE
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn will be a mix) -- Working on again. Being done in random sized blocks
9.) Gifted Mittens -- DONE
Sunday, May 13, 2007
It's Done
Garter stitch
Knitting with metal wire
Stockinette stitch
Socks: top-down
Socks: toe-up
Knitting with camel yarn
Mittens: Cuff-up
Mittens: Tip-down
Knitting with silk - silk blend
Moebius band knitting
Participating in a KAL
Drop stitch patterns Slip stitch patterns
Knitting with banana fiber yarn ------------Will never happen due to allergy
Domino knitting (=modular knitting)
Twisted stitch patterns
Knitting with bamboo yarn
Two end knitting
Charity knitting
Knitting with soy yarn Cardigan
Toy/doll clothing
Knitting with circular needles
Baby items
Knitting with your own handspun yarn
Continental knitting
Designing knitted garments
Cable stitch patterns (incl. Aran)
Lace patterns
Knitting on a loom
Thrummed knitting
Knitting a gift
Knitting for pets
Knitting with dog/cat hair
Hair accessories
Knitting in public
Publishing a knitting book
Teaching a child to knit
Knitting to make money
Button holes
Knitting with alpaca
Fair Isle knitting
Norwegian knitting
Dying with plant colours
Knitting items for a wedding
Olympic knitting
Knitting with dpns
Holiday related knitting
Teaching a male how to knit
Knitting for a living
Knitting with cotton
Knitting smocking
Dying yarn
Knitting art
Knitting with wool
Textured knitting
Kitchener BO
Knitting with beads
Long Tail CO
Knitting and purling backwards
Machine knitting
Stuffed toys
Baby items
Knitting with cashmere
Knitting with synthetic yarn
Writing a pattern
Knitting with linen
Knitting for preemies
Tubular CO
Freeform knitting
Short rows
Cuffs/fingerless mits/armwarmers
Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn
Knitting with someone else’s handspun yarn
Knitting two socks on two circulars simultaneously
Knitting with self patterning/self striping/variegating yarn
Knitting a pattern from an online knitting magazine
American/English knitting (as opposed to continental)
Graffiti knitting (knitting items on, or to be left on the street)
Household items (dishcloths, washcloths, tea cosies…)
Knitting socks (or other small tubular items)on two circulars
I Finished The Irish Hiking Scarf!!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
ANother Productive week.
Also I'm almost done with my Irish Hiking Scarf. I have about 5-7 repeats left to go. It's at a decent length right now, but I want it to be longer. Plus going longer I won't have any/as much scrap yarn. The yarn I'm using is very special to me and when the recipient finds out where it came from it will be to him too. The scarf is going to be a gift for my dad. His grandmother came from County Kerry Ireland where the yarn originates from. As a result I want as much of the yarn to be in it as possible. Hopefully I'll be done with this by the weekend since I'll be home tomorrow.
I'm also at the gussets for my socks. I only have to go 15-20 more wors till I get to that point with them. I've made that my "travelling" project. It's the one I do while on the bus pretty much. The other projects I do while at home or stationary.
I've also started dyeing yarn with food coloring this week. Its the 3rd thing I've used to dye with and so far my favorite. THe others are Kool-Aid and easter egg dye.
World Wide KIP Day
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Stashalong Update
Yellow = I'm plugging away on it. (3 projects).
Red = Done (6 projects).
1.) Irish Aran Sweater (using Patons Classic Merino) -- Doing a minimum of 2 rows a night.
2.) My First Pair of Socks (Regia 6 ply Crazy Color ) -- Almost to the gusset increases, about 20 rows away.
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn will be a mix) -- Stalled
8.) Irish Hiking Scarf -- 32 repeats in, about 12 to go before reaching the hoped for length
Friday, May 04, 2007
I'm more than ready for SnB tomrrow morning.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Halfway on Counts list. Inventory count Met!!!
Yellow = I'm plugging away on it. (2 projects).
Red = Done (6 projects).
1.) Irish Aran Sweater (using Patons Classic Merino) -- Still there
2.) My First Pair of Socks (Regia 6 ply Crazy Color ) -- You would have had a good laugh Saturday
3.) A scarf and hat set for a raffle on March 1 (yarns unknown) -- DONE
4.) A scarf for same raffle on March 1 (using 1 partially used ball wool yarn and 1 partially used skien red heart) -- DONE.
5.) A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be (using lilly sugar and cream) -- DONE
6.) Shawl for my Mom (Homespun) -- DONE
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn will be a mix) -- Stalled
8.) Irish Hiking Scarf -- On a roll with it. Even remembered the pattern without any help after several months
9.) Gifted Mittens -- DONE
10.) ISE 4 scarf (Lopi) -- DONE
Irish Hiking Scarf
Sunday, April 29, 2007
ISE 4 Scarf Completely Several Photos
You'll notice that it took 2 surfaces to block. In my little corner of the world, you use whatever you have at hand. For the method I used to block I didn't want to chance ruining the carpet so it meant taking up the kitchen and use the kitchen table and ironing board. Plus guard it from Cliona.
Scarf while blocking (please pardon the ugly litterbox and messy bakers rack).
Post blocking, sitting on the ironing board.
Close-up detail of the cables
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Got A Lot Done This Week
1.) Get going again on my Irish Hiking Scarf. It's been sitting there on the needles for about 5 months. I've had other projects that were demanding my time with deadlines that were more pressing. Ok it was originally going to be a Christmas present last year for my Dad, but when I realized it wasn't going to be done in time for Christmas last year or his birthday this year, I decided to make it one of his Christmas presents this year. I'd have more than enough time then. Now with the other projects out of the way, I have time for it now.
2.) I've nearly finished the scarf for my ISE 4 pal. It will actually be done by tomorrow night. Blocking and all. That will give me plenty of fime to get it ready to go out.
3.) I got a couple more rounds done on my lovely socks. Oh, what an adventure they were today. I went to work on them, went the twong way for half a round, had to undo that bit and get them onto smaller needles. Then back onto the correct needles for fear I was going to break the bamboo needles they were on for those weren't my needles. BY the time i got that accomplished I should have known to take a breather. I didn't though. By the time I got going it was 45 minutes later. What took me 45 minutes? I couldn't figure out what direction to go in and which needles to use. Ok if you go in 1 direction and that's the wrong way then you need to go the other way right?! But the 2 tips of 2 circs had me stumped for some reason till I remembered I had my book with me to help me out. Definitley needed more caffiene to wake up. At least I provided humor for the others in my SnB group.
4.) Did some destashing.
In the Non-Knitting world of my life:
1.) Got back in touch with another family member
2.) Had my usual group and appointement
3.) Attended the monthly Community Advisory Board meeting
4.) Ran the Advocacy Committee Meeting (I chair the committee) that meets every other month.
5.) Attended the AdHoc committee where we chose award recipients (if you know me no I will not tell you who's getting the awards. I'm not allowed to till the Annual Dinner next month)
6.) Some heavy duty spring cleaning and rearranging.
7.) Spun and set the twist of about 37 yards of wool.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Stashalong Udate
Yellow = I'm plugging away on it. (3 projects).
Red = Done (5 projects).
1.) Irish Aran Sweater (using Patons Classic Merino) -- Sitting there feeling neglected. Must pay attention to it soon.
2.) My First Pair of Socks (Regia 6 ply Crazy Color ) -- Toes done...somewhere on the foot. Only got to do 1 row this week
3.) A scarf and hat set for a raffle on March 1 (yarns unknown) -- DONE
4.) A scarf for same raffle on March 1 (using 1 partially used ball wool yarn and 1 partially used skien red heart) -- DONE.
5.) A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be (using lilly sugar and cream) -- DONE the family won't get to use the blanket for the baby as the baby died 3 days before the due date.
6.) Shawl for my Mom (Homespun) -- DONE
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn will be a mix) -- Slowly working on. It's my mindless project.
8.) Irish Hiking Scarf -- Working on it again got a pattern repear or 2 done this week.
9.) Gifted Mittens -- DONE
10.) ISE 4 scarf (Lopi) -- less than a foot to go. To be finished this weekend.
The yarn count is down to 81 after going through it and pulling out a bit to give to my 10 year old "niece" (daughter of a family friend that looks to me as an aunt) who will be learning to use the Knifty Knitter, and donating other yarn.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
ALmost done
Friday, April 20, 2007
Stashalong Update
Green = Sitting there feeling neglected (3 Projects).
Yellow = I'm plugging away on it. (2 projects).
Red = Done (5 projects).
1.) Irish Aran Sweater (using Patons Classic Merino) -- Sitting there feeling neglected. Must pay attention to it soon.
2.) My First Pair of Socks (Regia 6 ply Crazy Color ) -- Toes done...somewhere on the foot. I'm doing them on 2 circulars from the toe up at the same time.
3.) A scarf and hat set for a raffle on March 1 (yarns unknown) -- DONE
4.) A scarf for same raffle on March 1 (using 1 partially used ball wool yarn and 1 partially used skien red heart) -- DONE.
5.) A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be (using lilly sugar and cream) -- DONE the family won't get to use the blanket for the baby as the baby died 3 days before the due date.
6.) Shawl for my Mom (Homespun) -- DONE
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn will be a mix) -- Slowly working on. It's my mindless project.
8.) Irish Hiking Scarf -- On hold until other more pressing projects get done.
9.) Gifted Mittens -- DONE
10.) ISE 4 scarf (Lopi) -- casted on about 4 feet in. A lot of progress was made on it this week.
The yarn count is up to 107 after the yarn that was given to me.
Pics from my SP Package
She sent me (Top to Bottom, Left to Right): Raspberry Chocolate Pretzel Dip (Very delicious), Grandmas Spot Remover, KnitPicks Gossamer, Ghirardelli Chocolate, A Tapemeadure that Looks Like a Sheep, Cable Needle, Notepad with a kitty on the pop and the word "Meow", A Bungee Buddy Doorknob Hanger for Cliona, the One Skein Book, a set of 5 size US8 bamboo DPN's, a Neckwarmer that she knit (pattern in the book), and a note that she wrote.
These 2 pics are of a little set that was in a beautiful basket. They aren't in the first pic. I already had them hanging up. I had to take the pics at an angle because they are hanging on a mirror and I as avoiding the flash.
I quick little story. My mail comes in with my landlord and lady's. I have access to their part of the house. The day the packace arrived I went down to see if the mail had arrived and it had. My landlady was somewhere in the house. She knew I was expecting something, but didn't know what. She didn't know the mail had arrived yet as I was on the mailman's heels. Well I go down to check to see if it's arrived and it has. I let out a "Yippee!" when I see that it had arrived. She knew it had arrived whatever it was. THen when I opened it and saw everything and let out another "Yippee" she knew it was really good whatever it was.
I saw her that afternoon and told her my package arrived and she said "I know I heard you saying "'Yippee' a couple times." I had to laugh. I didn't realize i was that loud. Especially the second time when I was in my place.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
My Secret Pal Rocks!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Life Sucks
The baby died. As if that's not bad enough, the baby died before it was born. One day the baby's perfectly fine. Not 24 hours later, the baby is dead. Can life get any worse.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Knitting Away
Green = Sitting there feeling neglected (3 Projects).
Yellow = I'm plugging away on it. (2 projects).
Red = Done (5 projects).
1.) Irish Aran Sweater (using Patons Classic Merino) -- Sitting there feeling neglected. Must pay attention to it soon.
2.) My First Pair of Socks (Regia 6 ply Crazy Color ) -- Toes done...somewhere on the foot. I'm doing them on 2 circulars from the toe up at the same time.
3.) A scarf and hat set for a raffle on March 1 (yarns unknown) -- DONE
4.) A scarf for same raffle on March 1 (using 1 partially used ball wool yarn and 1 partially used skien red heart) -- DONE.
5.) A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be (using lilly sugar and cream) -- Still working on it.
6.) Shawl for my Mom (Homespun) -- DONE
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn will be a mix) -- Slowly working on. It's my mindless project.
8.) Irish Hiking Scarf -- On hold until other more pressing projects get done.
9.) Gifted Mittens -- DONE
10.) ISE 4 scarf (Lopi) -- casted on about 8 inches in.
The yarn count is up to 107 after the yarn that was given to me..
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
1.) Irish Aran Sweater (using Patons Classic Merino) -- Sitting there calling to me
2.) My First Pair of Socks (Regia 6 ply Crazy Color ) -- Just finished the toes. I'm doing them on 2 circulars from the toe up at the same time.
3.) A scarf and hat set for a raffle on March 1 (yarns unknown) -- DONE
4.) A scarf for same raffle on March 1 (using 1 partially used ball wool yarn and 1 partially used skien red heart) -- DONE.
5.) A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be (using lilly sugar and cream) -- Still working on it.
6.) Shawl for my Mom (Homespun) -- DONE
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn will be a mix) -- Slowly working on. It's my mindless project.
8.) Irish Hiking Scarf -- On hold until other more pressing projects get done.
9.) Gifted Mittens -- DONE
10.) ISE 4 scarf (will be using the Lopi I bought last week) -- casted on about 6 inches in.
Now to get the skien count down. It went up yesterday as a staff member gave me 2 garbage bags full of yarn. I'm not keeping all of it. Some of it I can't help but keep as it is really nice and some of it is MOHAIR!!! Yes someone gave Mohair away. Over here in my world that's insanity and for the recipient a gift that you don't pass up. You keep the Mohair. It's around 20 skiens of Mohair. Skien count before addindg in the yarn given to me: 80. I will be thinning out again.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Favorite and Least Favorite Yarns (SP10)
My favorite yarn is The Irish Ewe's Irish Aran yarn. Part of my love for this yarn is because it comes from County Kerry Ireland. My ancestors are from Country Kerry and I have been there. I absolutely love Ireland too.
More about this yarn though. It's 100% wool from organically grown sheep grown in County Kerry, Ireland. It hasn't been processed much so there's still a lot of lanolin in it. Sometimes I've even come across organic bits in the yarn. It's even got the sheep smell too. It's all things I love. I think it's also handspun, don't quote me on that though. The yarn is extremely even in width. You get 200 grams or 350 yards in a hank.
I've only had the luxury of making an Irish hiking scarf with it yet it was one of my favorite experiences. I wish I could work with it more.
Least Favorite Yarn
Looking back over the yarns I have used I'd have to say my least favorite yarn that I used would be Lion Suede. I had one heck of a time trying to get guage never succeeding. I decided to use another yarn on that project and make something else out of that yarn. It was to no avail. No matter what I try the yarn and I do not mix well and it keeps breaking. Other people have no problem with the skien. I've tried just to see if it was the skien others skiens and the yarn and I just don't mix. It's the one yarn that I had to give up trying to use and it still sits in my stash to remind me why I don't buy it again. I thankfully bought only one skien.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Venturing into the world of socks
Quick project update
2.) Knitty's Chaos --since it died I'm replacing it with a pair of socks. In stash I knw it's now equivalent. This is going to be my first ever pair of socks though. I'm going to be doing them on 2 circulars from the toe up at the same time.
3.) A scarf and hat set for a raffle on March 1 (yarns unknown) -- DONE
4.) A scarf for same raffle on March 1 (using 1 partially used ball wool yarn and 1 partially used skien red heart) -- DONE.
5.) A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be (using lilly sugar and cream) -- Still working on it.
6.) Shawl for my Mom -- Yarn: Homespun. nearing completion.
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn will be a mix) -- Slowly working on. It's my mindless project.
8.) Irish Hiking Scarf -- On hold until other more pressing projects get done.
9.) Gifted Mittens -- DONE
10.) ISE 4 scarf (will be using the Lopi I bought last week) -- casted on
Friday, March 23, 2007
Bus Adventures
Today was also an adventure. That is for sure. I went to Dagmar's for the first time. It's a yarn store. BY the way I have never been into a yarn store before. I've only gotten my yarn at regular stores like Michaels (and the like) or Wal-Mart or online. I managed to spend over $50.00 and not feel guilty over it. For me that's a feat. I got 10 skiens of yarn. Ten skiens that I wouldn't be able to get in regular stores and half of those skiens were on sale.On the way home on the bus I got stuck n traffic from a tractor trailer rollover. Here and here tells a little about it. THe second link providing an interesting conversation after the article. It provided a welcome change of pace in the ride. This bus ride made me wonder, why do I want a car? There's always an adventure on the bus. Be it drivers telling deserving passengers off, getting stuck in strange places, or just traffic jams. Just follow the rules, don't annoy or in any way irritate the drivers, and make friends with the drivers and you'll have a fun trip.
SP10 & ISE 4
Contact with SP Spoiler ... has been made.
Contact with SP Spoilee ... had been made.
Package for SP Spoilee .... in progress of being put together.
Contact with the person I'm knitting for ... has been made.
Contact with the person knitting for me ... has been made.
Pattern for the scarf I'm making ... narrowed down to a couple.
Yarn for scarf I'm making ... purchased.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Productive Week
Also, let's see...for my stashalong:
1.) Irish Aran Sweater (using Patons Classic Merino) -- Still on hold. MIght work on it tomorrow in honor of Saint Patrick's Day.
2.) Knitty's Chaos -- Dead due to Cliona.
3.) A scarf and hat set for a raffle on March 1 (yarns unknown) -- DONE also raffle went well and this was one of the first items to go.
4.) A scarf for same raffle on March 1 (using 1 partially used ball wool yarn and 1 partially used skien red heart) -- DONE see number 3.
5.) A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be (using lilly sugar and cream) -- Still working on it.
6.) Shawl for my Mom -- Yarn: Homespun. Already casted on and 1 of 10 pattern repeats done.
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn not picked yet) -- Not started
8.) Irish Hiking Scarf -- On hold until other more pressing projects get done.
9.) Gifted Mittens -- DONE
10.) "Screaming Stash"
My Yarn Inventory is at: 77
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Knit Picks Customer Service Rocks
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Stashalong Update
2.) Knitty's Chaos -- Met an untimley death at the claws of my loving cat Cliona. I was 1/3 the way up the back. The back and yarnball was mangled, tangled, and all one big mess that was beyond saving. I needed to finish it really soon too. The baby I was making it for is due on 4/15. I'll now have to find a new project to replace it.
3.) A scarf and hat set for a raffle on March 1 (yarns unknown) -- DONE also raffle went well and this was one of the first items to go.
4.) A scarf for same raffle on March 1 (using 1 partially used ball wool yarn and 1 partially used skien red heart) -- DONE see number 3.
5.) A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be (using lilly sugar and cream) -- Going along smoothly with no problems. I'm out of the black hole of knitting and finally on the decreases. I will NOT be making a second though. It's too boring. Also the intial recipient has been born and by the time I finish the first one and it gets to her she'll most likely be too long for it.
6.) The Second hooded bath blanket project is now going to be a Shawl for my Mom -- Yarn: Homespun. Already casted on and 1 of 10 pattern repeats done.
7.) Afghan for Dad (Yarn not picked yet) -- Not started
8.) Irish Hiking Scarf -- On hold until other more pressing projects get done.
9.) Gifted Mittens -- The first one is done, the second is on hold till I find the missing needle.
10.) "Screaming Stash"
Updated Yarn inventory Green indicated used yarn. Red indicates yarn than calls for strike 1.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Busy week
Monday, February 19, 2007
Been Tagged
1.) Thre was a 2 or 3 day thing across the street from me when I was growing up that I loved to look at and go to. It was called "Sheep To Shawl." One year my class went on a field trip there and I was so interested in watching them shear the sheep by hand (they did everything the colonial way) I almost got left behind at that point. My teacher had to keep an eye on me to make sure I didn't get lost.
2.) I can remember the strangest facts and wierdest things, but forget improtant things. It drives my family nuts. For example I'll remember fine detail things noone else remembers from my childhood until I go into great detail about major things with what else was going on.
3.) I almost got to be part of a pit crew with Bush Grand Nationals as a teenager. That's until Dad and I realized that we'd be at the same area of the car. So chances are good that if anything happened to him, it's happen to me. Also I'd get scared and freak out if anything happened to him if we were both in danger.
4.) I've gotten to see sheep give birth and feed newborn lambs their first feedings. Same for nubian goats.
5.) When I worked at Joann Fabrics in Christmas 2005 they let me put the yarn away delivery days becaused I loved it so much. We're talking about multipme baxes that bame up to the hip, and at least half an arm lengths wide. Don't dare try to pick it up. I was also known for stopping and writing helpful websites down for customers. When I went back in to apply this Christmas season they were all set, but the manager told me that if I was able to get to the next local store she said she would be willing to give me a reccomedation that included "willing to whip your yarn section into shape."
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Yarn Inventory
Tlist is going to be Name of yarn, Color, Yards or ozs, Quantity
- Caron Simply Soft, Soft Green, 366 y, 1
- Caron Simply Soft, Lavender, Partial, 1
- Caron Simply Soft, Purple , Partial ,
- Lilly Sugar' n Cream, Cool Breeze Ombre, 4 ozs, 2 now 1
- Lilly Sugar' n Cream, Potpourri, Partial, 1
- Lilly Sugar' n Cream, Rose Pink, Partial, 1
- Lilly Sugar' n Cream, Twilight, Partial, 1
- Lilly Sugar' n Cream, Natural Ombre, Partial, 1
- Lion Brand Magic Stripes, Full Skien, 1
- Patons Grace, Apricot, 136 y, 1
- Patons Grace, Marine, 136 y, 1
- Moda-Dea Ricochet, Soul, 76 y, 2
- Moda-Dea Ricochet, Swing, 76 y, 1
- Lion Brand Homespun, Mixture, Partial, 2
- Lion Brand Homespun, Lavender, Partial, 1
- Lion Brand Homespun, Mediterranieanian, Partial, 1
- Lion Brand Homespun, Edwardian, 185y, 4
- Red Heart Super Saver, Lavender, 364y, 1
- Red Heart Super Saver, Light Raspberry, 364y, 1
- Red Heart Super Saver, Royal, 364y, 2
- Red Heart Super Saver, Pale Yellow, 364y, 1
- Red Heart Super Saver, Frosty Green, 364y, 1
- Red Heart Super Saver, Lt. Blue, 364y, 3
- Red Heart Super Saver, Frosty Green, Partial, 2
- Red Heart Super Saver, Red, Partial, 2
- Red Heart Super Saver, Green, Partial, 1
- Red Heart Super Saver, Blueberry Pie, Partial, 1
- Red Heart Super Saver, Dk. Blue, Partial, 1
- Red Heart Super Saver, Off White Speckled, Sm. Amt, 1
- Red Heart Super Saver, Lt. Pink, Partial, 2
- Red Heart Super Saver, Monet, Partial, 1
- Lion Brand Jiffy, Some Shade Green, Partial, 1
- Lion Brand Jiffy, Purple, Partial, 1
- Lion Brand Jiffy, Denim, Partial, 1
- Lion Brand Jiffy, Navy, 135y, 1
- Lion Brand Fishermans Wool, Natural, Partial, 2
- Mainstays, Off White, 7 oz, 1
- Mainstays, Cilantro, 7 oz, 1
- Mainstays, Blue, 7 oz, 1
- Patons Divine, Mauve, Partial, 2
- Romake Deluxe Quality, Purple, 4 ozs, 4
- Wilde Yarns, Peach, 180y, 1
- Lion Brand Boucle, Blueberry, Unknown, 1
- Lion Brand Suede, Scarlet, Partial, 1
- Patons Lacette, Mauve, Partial, 3
- Peaches & Cream, Blues, 1 lb cone, 1
- Marble, Berry, Partial, 1
- Lion Brand Microfiber, Off White, Full Skien, 2
- Patons Classic Merino, Winter White, 223y, 8
- Lion Brand Fun Fur, Olive, 57y, 1
- Lion Brand Fun Fur, Mixture, Partial, 1
- Lion Brand Fun Fur, Fiesta, 57y, 1
- Lion Brand Wool Ease, Gray, Partial, 1
- Lion Brand Wool Ease, Denim , Partial, 1
- Lion Brand Wool Ease, Woodland , Partial, 1
- Bernat Baby Coordinates, Soft Blue, 6 oz, 1
- Bernat Baby Coordinates, Yellow, 6 oz, 1
- Sayelle Earth Tone Ombre, Lilac Blossom, 3 oz, 1
- Bernat Softee Baby, Lemon, 5 oz, 1
- Bernat Softee Baby, Pale Blue, 5 oz, 1
- Caldor Bulky Knit Yarn, Royal Blue, 3.5 oz, 7
- Dawn Wintuk Bulky, Steel Gray, 3.5 oz, 1
- Red Heart Fiesta, Light Periwinkle, 6 oz, 1
- Kogiu KPPPM, 1
- Phildar Pronostic, White, 175y, 1
- Red Boucle, Partial,1
- Dk Red, Partial,1
- Red, Partial,1
- Off White, Partial,1
- Multi Color, Partial,1
- Multi Color, Partial,1
Total = 104
Edit added 2/22: Note: Those in red have been used
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Joined Stashalong
An Irish Aran Sweater (using Patons Classic Merino)
Knitty's Chaos note: need to finish it really soon baby is due on 4/15 (using some red heart baby yarn for body and another for the arms)
A scarf and hat set for a raffle on March 1 (yarns unknown)
A scarf for same raffle on March 1 (using 1 partially used ball wool yarn and 1 partially used skien red heart)
A cotton hooded bath blanket for the baby to be (using lilly sugar and cream)
A second hooded bath blanket for another baby to be (using unknown cotton yarn in stash)
Triangle Shawl for Mom (Yarn not picked yet)
Afghan for Dad (Yarn not picked yet)
"Screaming Stash"
"Screaming Stash"
So that's my project list for Option 3
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
SP10 Questionairre
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? My circulars are in a needle case. Straights in a clear vase. Knitpicks Options in the black case they sent.
3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? I've been knitting since October 2006. I'd say I'm between intermediate and advanced. My mom and aunt taught me how to knit.
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? Yes, I have a wist.
5. What's your favorite scent? I like fruit scents. Melon and berries especially. Basically anything that does not contain tropical fruits (banana, papaya, mango, kiwi, coconut, pineapple, passion fruit, etc.) Actually I like them, but I have a severe allergy and avoid products that have the scent in case they have any natural part of the plant to decrease the risk of a reaction. You can feel free to ask for any clarification.
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy? I definitley have a sweet tooth. I love chocolate. The guy who runs the candy shop downtown pays me in white chocolate when I sell earrings. Also I love coffee.
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin? I spin with a drop spindle, make satined glass, make fused glass jewlery (even with dichroic glass), paint pottery, bead, draw, paint.
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) My computer can play CDs and MP3s. I like a wide variety of music: from broadway soundtracks to country; big band to country; classical to classic rock. I just don't go for heavy metal, rap, and jazz.
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand? I love pinks and purples. I tend to like most any colors. It's the artist in me. I just don't go for flourescent colors.
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? I have 1 cat named Cliona. I talk to and still see my dad and step-mom (reffered to as mom) and her family. The Maternal side of the family has been disowned comin up on 4 years now. My landlord and lady's family treat me like one of their own. I see them daily. Where i live I rent 1 floor and have free access to the rest of the house. That part of the house has 1 soon to be 2 dogs and another cat. Incouding that tidbit since those animals I interact with tons too.
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos? Scarves ... check Hats...check Mittens...check Ponchos...make it a shawl and then it'll be a check. I have very bad memories of ponchos.
12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? Right now, as I'm wanting simple, a scarf. It's been the aran sweater though.
13. What are you knitting right now? A hat and scarf to be raffled off on the 1st at a fair, an Aran Sweater for me, a random cable baby sweater for a cousin to be, and an Irish Hiking Scarf for next christmas.
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? Most definitley. Isn't that what hands were created for!
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? I like bamboo, but my favorites are the KnitPicks Options ones. I got the kit for christmas.
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift? Not yet.
17. How old is your oldest UFO? A baby sweater that's 7 months old. THankfully the baby isn't born yet. It's due in april.
18. What is your favorite holiday? I'd have to say it's a tie with Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love them all though. What makes a holiday a holiday in the winter though is having my dad home and not stuck at work plowing the streets.
19. Is there anything that you collect? Starting to collect antique knitting needles & patterns. I also collect things having to do with my heritage (Southwest Ireland), dolphins, and Phantom Of The Opera.
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? No magazine subscriptions yet. My wist has books I want.
21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? Fair Isle, Two Socks on Two Circulars, Entrelac, Intarsia
22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? I'm not a sock knitter yet. Hope to learn this year. Measurements: Ankle Circumference: 26.5 cm Toe to heel: 26 cm Width: 4 cm
23. When is your birthday? December 13